Bisq Blog

Why I Am a Bisq Contributor: Aruna Surya

Aruna Surya discusses her experience with being a Bisq contributor—why she started contributing, why she continues contributing, and how there's still a lot to like for a non-technical person with diverging interests.

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Privacy Best Practices & Bisq: An Interview with Max Hillebrand

Ricardo Martinez interviews Max Hillebrand of the World Crypto Network. They discuss privacy in general, privacy with respect to Bitcoin, privacy with respect to Bisq, and more.

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How to Set Up a Bitcoin Regtest Environment

In this post, Tomáš shows you how to set up your very own Bitcoin regtest environment with bitcoin-qt and make your own blocks!

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Benefits of the Bisq DAO, Part I: Funding FLOSS & Avoiding Surveillance Capitalism

The Bisq DAO enables value transfer and decision-making for the Bisq network. But it has several additional benefits too, which we'll focus on in this series.

In this post, Part I of this series, we'll discuss how Bisq's revenue model offers a new approach to funding open-source software development that, by design, avoids incentives to exploit user privacy altogether.

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How to Earn BSQ by Contributing to Bisq

Bisq is an open-source software project, but it has a built-in revenue model to compensate its contributors—and anyone is welcome to contribute!

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An Overview of the Bisq Network

If you are into cryptocurrencies, you may be interested in Bisq, a decentralized exchange that enables you to trade bitcoin for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrencies. Unlike centralized exchanges, you preserve your privacy when trading on Bisq since there is no need for registration or approval from any central authorities. In this post, I will give you an overview of the Bisq software and the Bisq network.

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Bisq DAO for Bitcoin Maximalists

Let's cut to the chase: the Bisq DAO is built on the Bitcoin network, and the BSQ token is just colored bitcoin.

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Bisq DAO now on testnet

Bisq v0.9 is one of the biggest updates to Bisq ever: it brings the Bisq DAO to testnet, as well as a striking new visual design (among a host of other improvements and bug fixes).

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Bisq v0.7.1 released

Bisq version 0.7.1 has been released. We recommend all users update immediately.

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The Bisq DAO manifesto

The Bisq DAO is a DAO that has been carefully designed to be stable against perturbations, such as majority attacks, scams and forks. The aim has been avoid any central points of failure or control and it is thus autonomous. It follows a general idea of DAOs, being based on network effects, modifiable computer programs and economic incentives. The Bisq DAO “controls” Bisq itself which is a p2p trading platform. The Bisq DAO has certain defining characteristics at its beginning, that we describe below:

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